2008年2月26日 星期二





2008年2月24日 星期日





p.s. 早幾天看到研究結果,原來多讀書不能強化英文,除非整段文章有九成七的字詞是認識的。

2008年2月15日 星期五



2008年2月12日 星期二




2008年2月11日 星期一


這幾年來,我有過五位作曲老師。第一位算是我對音樂的啟蒙,他對音樂很有熱誠,那時候我只是一個懂一點小提琴,又自以為唱歌了得的中六畢業生。在他膝下的那一年,從最基礎的四聲部和弦,到後來的對位法、作曲技巧、管弦樂編曲法,他都不知不覺地傳到我腦中。雖然在那一年我只作了一首鋼琴曲(後來電腦當掉原始檔也沒有了)和為敲擊樂團編了一首布拉母斯的鋼琴曲,但如果沒有了他我想我現在也不會在進修作曲。他是我讀副學士時的老師Paul Setziol。後來我轉學到加州熊人大學,臨行時他也叮囑我說︰「大學裏每一個人都很厲害,那裏的教授再也不會像我們這般照顧你了,但你也要努力!」

在大學,的確遇到不少厲害的同學,正所謂有競爭才有進步,大學的兩年內讓我認清到自己對音樂這一科的認識是很皮毛。後來因為主攻作曲有關的課時,遇到第二、三及四位老師。第一位是我的主要導師Cindy Cox,認識她時是從現代和弦那一班開始,後來便一直跟她學作曲。大學的最後一年我非常多產,大概本著甚麼風格的音樂也要寫一些的心情,一兩個月便完成一首。要選作曲作繼續進修的她可算是最大的鼓勵者。

第三位與第四位我同時間認識,但他們也在一年時間內相繼離開這個世界。第三位是John Thow,他樣子看起來很凶,沒有很多次看到他笑,但從前輩口中得知他基本上是一個圖書館,隨便問些甚麼他也可以答得出來,那時他主教的管弦樂編曲法,現在仍非常合用。若不是他的話現在我的生活一定會難過很多。在第二個學期過了一些日子後,一天回到學校便得知他去世的消息,回憶起他死前兩天還活生生的跟我談及我的編曲法,也鼓勵我去寫我一生的第一首管弦樂曲(後來因為寫得太差,我也沒有當自己寫過這首曲),那時真的很傷心。

第四位是我數天前在電郵裏看到他自殺過身的老師Jorge Liderman。他主教我對位法。出奇地,我對於對位法的了解比起任何一種以外的作曲方法都更好,功課不用花太多時間去做就完成了。跟第三位老師不同,他是一位很友善的人,還給班上的一位韓國人起了花名,他的課堂大都很快樂的渡過。學期完結的時候我們還與他開了個大食會,拍了些照,他還笑問我們是不是每一班都這樣。不知道是甚麼原因導致他去跳火車軌,但對於這位在阿瑪遜網有大約十二隻個人唱碟的作曲大師這樣的離開的確有點婉惜。

第五位是現在的老師Joshua Chan,可能是因為以廣東話溝通的關係,在他身上學得最多。雖然一開始的時候有點迷茫不知道作曲的方向,但過了許久現在好像有點眉目。我想我還是應該寫我喜歡的音樂,那種詼諧中帶諷刺的音樂。

2008年2月9日 星期六


Another beloved teacher dead last Sunday, I just knew by email.
He is a great man, really teaches me a lot of things.
It was at first John Thow, then now Jorge... T.T

Composer Liderman dies in apparent suicide

(02-03) 23:26 PST El Cerrito -- A 50-year-old man who was struck and killed by a train in BART's El Cerrito Plaza Station on Sunday morning has been identified as Jorge Liderman, a prominent local composer and a professor in the music department at UC Berkeley.

Liderman was struck by a Richmond-bound train at 9:42 a.m. in what appeared to be a suicide, said BART spokesman Linton Johnson.

"It's still under an investigation," Johnson said.

Liderman was a fixture on the Bay Area's classical music scene since joining the Berkeley faculty in 1989. His music - full of melody, rhythmically vital and scored with a keen ear for instrumental color - was performed regularly both here and abroad, and his discography included almost a dozen CDs.

"Furthermore," a chamber concerto that Liderman wrote for violinist Carla Kihlstedt and the San Francisco Chamber Contemporary Music Players, is scheduled for a world premiere at 8 p.m. today at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.

Adam Frey, the group's executive director, said that Liderman had been expected to speak at a public run-through of the piece Sunday afternoon but did not appear. He said Liderman had attended a rehearsal as recently as Friday.

Johnson said there was no one else on the BART platform when the incident occurred and that the only witness was the train operator. The operator reported that he saw a man standing on the yellow tiles at the edge of the platform and that he honked several times, Johnson said. When the train came to within 5 feet of the man, he jumped in front of the train, Johnson said.

In recent years, Liderman's work had been showing up on concert programs with ever-greater frequency. In March, the New Century Chamber Orchestra gave the world premiere of "Rolling Springs," and in November, Cal Performances marked the composer's 50th birthday with a concert dedicated to his chamber and vocal music.

Much of his music, including the orchestral work "Barcelonazo" and an hourlong setting of "Song of Songs" that was premiered in Berkeley in 2002, was influenced by the sounds of his native Argentina and by his Jewish roots. He also drew on the models of Stravinsky and Bartók, as well as more recent masters like György Ligeti and Steve Reich.

Among his major compositions was "Antigona Furiosa," a 1991 chamber opera that relocated the story of Sophocles' "Antigone" to the period of military rule in Argentina.

Liderman was born in Buenos Aires in 1957, the grandson of European immigrants. He studied electronics in high school, but soon found himself drawn to music. In an interview last year with The Chronicle, he cited a teenage encounter with the music of tango composer Astor Piazzolla as a formative experience.

"I was blown away," he said. "If I had to pick a moment where I thought, 'I have to become a composer,' that would be it."

Liderman attended college in Jerusalem, then came to the United States to earn a doctorate in composition at the University of Chicago. He joined the UC faculty immediately afterward.

Despite feeling not entirely at home in academia, Liderman was a dedicated teacher to a generation of student composers.

"The challenge of a composition teacher," he said, "is to try to understand what the student is trying to do and help them to do it in the best possible way - sometimes even making them aware of what they are trying to do in the first place."

Liderman is survived by his wife, Mimi, of El Cerrito.

2008年2月6日 星期三




Paul Dukas 的 《L'Apprenti Sorcier》

一)Ravel - Daphnis et Chloe
二)Dukas - L'Apprenti Sorcier

2008年2月5日 星期二








